Christmas Contest Winners!

The winner of the Christmas contest with the best decorated tree is Chris!
Here are the pictures of his decorated christmas tree. congratulations.

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Also congratulations to all the other contestants. even though i cant add you
i will still advertise your websites. Here are the other pictures.



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~ by fanocp on December 31, 2008.

9 Responses to “Christmas Contest Winners!”

  1. wow the winner have so much toy!

  2. cute club penguin tree, I like it 😀

  3. WOW! Thats one cool looking tree! =D

  4. Sweet tree. penguin-tastic!

    I’m having a famous penguins party in my igloo and it would be cool if you could come.
    Here are the details:
    When: 6th March 2009 1:00pm PST (UK time 9:00pm,USA time 4:00pm)
    Where: JODO391’s igloo

    I really hope you can make it.Bye.

  5. forget the party.
    Turns out i need to go somewhere

  6. I think these people has a lot of coin codes lol!

  7. bye fano 😦

  8. Niceeeeeeeeeeeeee 🙂

  9. Cool!

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